Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Spaces

The following outdoor spaces are controlled by Facility Scheduling and Logistics.

Download the Outdoor Space Map (Updated February 2024).

Please e-mail fac-reserve@illinois.edu and/or call 217-333-1230 if there are any questions about FSL’s outdoor spaces.

Alma MaterArea around the Alma Mater on the corner of Green Street and Wright StreetArea can only be reserved for University special events
Animal Science Lab LawnGrassy area that surrounds the building
Armory Col CourtGrassy area located at the northeast corner of the Armory
Armory LawnGrassy area that surrounds the building
Bardeen PlazaConcrete area east of Campus Instructional Facility and west of Grainger Engineering LibraryTents with weighted bases only, 10′ x 10′ maximum area.
Bardeen QuadGrassy area between Grainger and Engineering Hall (also known as the Engineering Quad)Nothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Burrill PlazaPatio area located between Burrill and Morrill Hall
Business QuadArea between Wohlers and David Kinley Hall (DKH)
Centennial PlazaArea between the Chemistry Annex and Noyes Lab
Chemistry Annex LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Davenport Hall LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Education Building LawnGrassy area that surrounds the building
Engineering Hall PatioArea that overlooks Boneyard Creek behind Engineering Hall
Graziano Plaza (Formerly known as Engineering Tent Area or Area 51)Area between Everitt Lab and Engineering Hall
English Building LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Foellinger Auditorium ForecourtArea at the base of the building’s steps overlooking the QuadInformation on reserving the space may be found at https://foellinger.illinois.edu/
Hallene Gateway PlazaGrassy area at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Illinois Street
Henry Administration Building LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Henry Administration Building SidewalkSidewalk between the Henry Administration Building and the English Building
LCLB LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Lincoln Hall LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Natural History Building LawnGrassy area between the building and Green Street
Noyes Lab LawnLawn between the building and the sidewalk of the QuadNothing is permitted to be driven into the ground
Roger Adams Lab (RAL) PlazaArea between the lab and the Chemical and Life Sciences Lab and Medical Sciences Building
Sixth Street LawnGrassy area bordered by the Siebel Center for Design, BIF, 6th Street and the Krannert Art Museum
South QuadArea between Mumford Hall and David Kinley Hall (DKH) spanning from Gregory St. to the Stock Pavilion.Area split into two separate reservable areas (separated by the Bell Tower)
Stock Pavilion LawnGrassy area that surrounds the building
Talbot Lab LawnGrassy area that surrounds the building
Turner Hall LawnGrassy area that surrounds the building